
2023-7-13 About 1 min

# Integration

For a large web application, we provide a webpack plugin and command tool to integrate your project. In this way, the mock data file can be separated from the entry to reduce the burden of managing mock configuration entry file.


# Integration By Webpack plugin

You can set it up by the steps below:

  1. Run npx http-request-mock-cli -i. It'll initialize some samples in your mock directory.
  2. Configure HttpRequestMockWebpackPlugin in your webpack configurations, which looks like below.
const path = require('path');
// The webpack plugin will parse mock files under the mock directory and generate a mock
// configuration entry file named `.runtime.js`, then inject it into the your application entry file.
const HttpRequestMockWebpackPlugin = require('http-request-mock/plugin/webpack.js');
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HttpRequestMockWebpackPlugin(
      enable: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', // activate/deactivate
      entry: /src\/main\.js$/, // web application entry
      dir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'mock/'), // mock directory
  // ...
  1. In your package.json, set a command named mock-dev to start a mock development:
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "npm run start",
    "mock-dev": "NODE_ENV=development npm run start"

Webpack Plugin options

Option Required Description
entry yes Application entry file, must be a Regexp object
dir yes Mock directory, must be an absulte path
enable no Whether or not to enable this plugin, defaut: true
watch no A callback that is triggered when a mock data file is changed

# Integration By Command Line Tool

An alternative way to integrate with your project is using CLI. You can set it up by the steps below:

  1. Run npx http-request-mock-cli -j src/xxx.js to inject mock configuration file into the specified entry which may look like below:
import '../mock/.runtime.js'
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
// ...
  1. In your package.json, set a command named mock-dev to start a mock development:
"scripts": {
  "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
  "mock-dev": "http-request-mock-cli -w \"vue-cli-service serve\"",

The command passed into http-request-mock-cli -w must be quoted with double quotes.


If -e --enviroment is not specified, mock function will be enabled by NODE_ENV=development.

Or, you can specify another enviroment variable, such as: -e MOCK=yes.

Last update: July 13, 2023 22:53