2023-7-13 About 1 min

# Command Line Tool Options

npx http-request-mock-cli -h:

Usage: npx http-request-mock-cli [options]

Description: http-request-mock command line tool at version 1.6.3.
Glossary: [.runtime.js] A runtime mock configuration entry file.
    npx http-request-mock-cli -i

  -d, --directory [directory]        The mock directory relative to the working directory. (default: "mock")
  -e, --environment [variable-pair]  Enable mock function by environment variable for .runtime.js.
                                     (default: "NODE_ENV=development")
  -i, --init                         Initialize some samples & a .runtime.js in the mock directory.
  -w, --watch [command]              Watch mock directory & update .runtime.js. If the [command] is specified,
                                     ths specified command will be executed together with watching.
  -j, --inject <app-entry-file>      Inject .runtime.js into the specified entry relative to the working directory.
  -t, --type [module-type]           The module type of .runtime.js.
                                     Possible values are: es6(alias of ESM), cjs(alias of commonjs).
                                     (default: "cjs")
  --index [index-entry]              Index entry, automatic detection by default.
                                     Possible values are: src/index.js, http-request-mock.js and http-request-mock.esm.mjs.
                                     [src/index.js] for commonJS
                                     [http-request-mock.js] for UMD
                                     [http-request-mock.pure.js] An alternative version without faker and cache plugins for UMD.
                                     [http-request-mock.esm.mjs] for ESM
                                     [http-request-mock.pure.esm.mjs] for ESM An alternative version without faker and cache plugins for ESM.

  -p, --proxy [mode]                 Proxy mode. In proxy mode, http-request-mock will start
                                     a proxy server which receives incoming requests on localhost.
                                     The mock files will be run in a nodejs environment.
                                     This feature is designed for browser, so do not use it in a nodjs project.
                                     Note: proxy mode is still under experimental stage, only for experts.
                                     [matched] All requests matched by @url will be proxied to a proxy server. (default: "none")
  -h, --help                         output usage information
Last update: July 13, 2023 22:53